New World Om

Good Vibes Rising

Love – Light – Peace – Connection – Equality – Minimalism

HighVibeLife. . .elevating our collective consciousness
New World Om - NWOm - Om Over Order

I am so grateful you are here!  Love to you, love to our world!

(website, media, conceptualizations, and self in development)

PS!  I need to overhaul this site but my WordPress abilities are so limited.  I have a class coming up at the local community college and I hope to resolve this.  I NEED to collaborate resources and links and credit all of my teachers and inspiration.  Thank you for your patience as I humbly try to express and extrapolate on this very urgent NWOm concept.  Thank you!  Namaste. Om Tat Sat.  I am that I am.

“Om Tat Sat"

Om is the vibration of the universe; cosmically, ummutably, divine. It resides in each one of us, connecting us all. It is the essense of the Supreme Absolute Consciousness.
Tat is 'that' or 'supreme reality'
Sat 'that which is good'
"Om Tat Sat" = Only good really exists

The opposite word 'asat' implies evil is transient and therefore not ultimately real. No act or intention can add to spiritual growth if it is faithless and is there for unreal; it cannot have meaning either in this world or the next.

The Bhagavad Gita, introduced and translated by Eknath Easwaran


September 15, 2024
Involution = Sol-Search
The internal search for truth, love and light and the defining or redefining of self as I approach this milestone of 50 years on our beautiful planet, I am also directed to others’ experiences and advice in this regard. While there may be much credence to the “internet is dead” theory and narrowing of our results through the filters of big corporation and government aspiring to direct our human collective consciousness towards their favored distortions, I find we are also still able to access an incredible amount of information and anecdotal experiences of other beings on this spiritual path.
Through my daily external research practice, I stumbled upon the term “involution” and immediately loved the conciseness and brevity of a single word to describe the process of going internal to obtain answers to nearly all of our most pressing questions. The theory maintains that each of us is the manifestation of divine infinite potential waiting to be realized. That we merely have to shed our societal and extrinsically imposed restrictions and limited views of ourselves to become that which we are. The “I am that I am”. This resides in all of us. It is immeasurable, infinite, divine and resides in each of us as a reflection of Supreme Consciousness, Source, or God.
I am sure I am not unique in that my first 50 years in this existence did not transpire exactly as I had hoped, planned, envisioned, or expected (probable distortions in and of themselves). Some experiences became quite painful, taking up far too much mental energy, time or effort. I swam against the grain of what I knew to be true deep within. This victimization may have been heavily influenced by unhealthy people, habits, mentalities or addictions in the past, but I have recently realized and accepted so much of my own participation in these distortions. For who is a victim if they don’t make themselves a victim? How does another gain power over you, if you do not give it to them? This is another concept of which to make good note. No one has power over you that you do not give to them.
So what next? In addition to the essential work of self-forgiveness and self-love, after identifying the root causes of so much of your pain, and doing the work with heightened sense of self and sharpening the knife of complete and total honesty with oneself, how do we move forward? When we arrive at the end of a path taking inventory of our direction in life and all of the contributing forces, and fully realizing that perhaps this reality is not at all what we would like to be building, how do we redirect or start anew? Involution. Going inward is the only answer. If you are on a true mission to understand your higher self and the actual reality that your soul craves, you must go inward.
Your truth and higher calling cannot be bestowed upon you by anyone else. Not a therapist, friend, priest, guru, sage, no one. Only you and God (Supreme Source) can know your higher calling. It is different for all of us! While we are all one and the same love and light, we are all each unique and individualized manifestations on a microcosmic scale of that one Supreme Consciousness. And when Source fragmented out into billions of love light beings across the universe, in an effort to know themself, they did it with the intention of making each of us brilliantly unique and yet part of the entire collective whole. We are all sparks of the infinite divine.
So, the answers to everything that we wish to know and be, are inside each of us. It is our infinite divine light inhabiting these mortal flesh bodies in this realm to learn, understand and connect with self and source and to find our own paths while seeing through the illusion of the material and purported distortions of these “authority” figures and false idols. We need to see that our actions and thoughts are manifesting our reality in this universe, and we need to detach from anything that does ring true to our souls and reconnect with our higher selves, work the universal law of attraction and become our true self-actualized souls in this physical body. Anything else is a distraction and false. Nothing but truth and love and light will do. The time is now. There is no one coming to do the work for us. There is no one else but self to go inside of self. No one is coming to save us. The savior is us.
Om tat sat,

Yoga and Free Movement in the Wild

August 9, 2024

Yoga is so fabulous because you don’t need any gear to get started.  Sure a yoga mat is really nice and practicing in a studio is great, but practicing yoga with some free movement and meditation in the wild is truly a connective and personal experience that allows you to really go inward and feel the dance between your soul and nature.  I am posting yoga/movement destination videos on my NewWorldOm YouTube and  Some of these videos will have no vocal cues.  You can put on your own music and follow along or browse through for some ideas for your own free-form practice. I will also make instructional videos with cues as well as some videos of all the fabulous things we do around here to connect with self/others/world and stay off devices and the psychotherapy chair.

The NoName granite slab is one of my favorite secret places. It’s right off the No Name trail in Glenwood Springs. You scramble down the hill to these huge slabs of granite with the creek running over it. This is also the main water source for our city water. Pure, spring water. I show up with my tripod, pop on my headset and enjoy being transported to that mental space where time sort of fades away and I just tune-in to what the body/mind/soul needs. I like to start a yoga/dance/meditation practice with movement.

Surya Namaskar, lunges, warriors, triangle, pyramid, shoulder and neck rolls. Movement builds in intensity at times until the body feels fatigued and then the body will ask for more yin stretching. Sometimes there may be a breakthrough or realization in the mind or body during practice and meditation becomes appropriate to absorb whatever experience you are having. This is a practice to tune-in. The more we do, the more we feel like bending and breaking rules. There really are no rules. There are no constructs. We are in the business of breaking those downs. We are not concerned with boundaries.

Colorado has so many beautiful places to explore and it’s fun to just tune in to what the soul is craving in that moment. Or find stillness. Being out in nature, these activities we do; the hiking, the yoga, the biking, the sitting still in the grass; each moment we are in these spaces is an opportunity to pay attention to detail.

During the practice, we’re directing our focus to any tight spaces and really bringing our awareness and attention to these places so we can release anything not serving our bodies and keeping us from feeling our 100% best. We’re practicing some backbends, wide leg stretching, surya namaskar sequences, and various meditation postures with abundantly flowing water behind.  To see ourselves in these moments and allow them to happen with detachment and non-judgement while giving ourselves permission to let go of anything not serving us so we can progress to our true higher selves.

The yoga, or asana branch of yoga, is to purify and refine the body so it is a worthy vessel of housing your immortal soul. Another of my favorite descriptions of yoga is that of a “comfortable seat”. The purpose of having this flexible, strong body, free of blockages, is so that the yogi can sit in comfortable meditation for long periods of time. The mediation is to achieve samadhi or ultimate bliss/union with supreme conscious/total and absolute freedom of mind.  So, we do all the body work to sit still. We still the body. Then we still the mind. Then we still the soul. When the soul is in that absolute still space, it is the total objective observer of itself.  In this place, everything is revealed.

Om tat sat


Light in Everyone

July 27, 2024

I see the light in everyone.  It’s everywhere.  It’s in everything.  Everything is changing so rapidly.  Can you feel it?  It feels like it’s sucking in particles and light; thrusting itself to the forefront of awareness and demanding attention.  I hear whispers and allusions to it everywhere.  The awakening.  Love is the only thing that is real and our true purpose on the earth.  The only path to salvation and ultimate bliss in this world and may be the key to entering the next, according to many sage spiritualists and gurus.

I’m not sure how others have gotten to this space.  The journey must be different for everyone.  But the end realization is the same.  I am perfect.  You are perfect.  We are all perfect.  We are all pure, love and light beings and perfect in our creation.  Anything else we carry are distortions.  Unreal, fabrications of our own creation.  Circumstances, pain, suffering, violence, judgment, afflictions we may attribute to an outside source, but our reactions to and embodiment of those distortions are of our own doing.  And we can all undo them!

It’s all in your head.  You are manifesting your world, your reality.  The ultimate gift you can give yourself, which you will then give to others and the world, is love.  When you give this out into the world, you will get it back in multitudes.  The light will shine through you and reflect through everyone you encounter.  We allow the gratitude, empathy and compassion to flow through us and we will heal the world.

Loving yourself means accepting yourself and forgiving yourself.  It means stopping the judgement and dissolving the ego.  You can laugh at yourself.  Your mistakes are no big deal.  You’re beautiful!  When we are able to stop the judgement on ourselves, we stop judging others.  When we learn to forgive ourselves, we readily forgive others.  When we exude this energy, we liberate others to trust and shine their light as well.  It spreads like a fire through humanity.

When someone acts out of anger or fear, it is because of their personal distortions.  Understanding this can trigger compassion and love because that person is suffering.  Because we can see the light, we can see clearly.  It is our practice to simply observe these moments with clarity and composure.  In our common perfection, we see that divinity in even the most distorted beings and we forgive and send light to the darkest places.  It is the great work.

It is a practice.  We are unlearning a lifetime of societal messaging, advertising, competition, gossip, movies, culture, brainwashing.  We are conditioned to compete against each other.  Embodying nonjudgement is a practice.  Observation is the goal.  We observe self, we observe others and we observe the world around us.  We are all marvelously different, yet fundamentally the same.  The diversity is a celebration of infinite possibility and freedom of expression.  The observation that someone is doing it differently, someone looks different, someone expresses themselves differently.  It’s all amazing!

We are all one and humanity and the world pulse with the energy that we send into it.  If everyone dives into self with self-knowing, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and self-love, it will feed into the energy of every being on this planet.  The vibration of the planet is elevating.  Can you feel it?  The only true peace that can exist in the mind, body, spirit complex on this earth is through love.  An existence of acceptance, contentment, gratitude, compassion and love is the only way.  Nothing else will lead to ultimate bliss.

Feel those good vibes rising.  Give in to the light.  Release and let go anything that doesn’t serve you, anything out of your control, anything contributing personal distortions and live free.  See the light in yourself and see the light in everyone.  It is your sacred responsibility to free your own mind.  Be free.

Om tat sat.


Embody the Guru

July 21, 2024

In Sanskrit, gu means “darkness” and ru means “remover”, meaning the guru is the remover of darkness.  By aspiring to remove darkness, we can all journey towards embodying the guru in mind, body and spirit, and thereby revealing the true light and love that is our true selves and the true universe.  We summon the guru within, our internal teacher, our pure, intuitive, luminous soul, to reveal our path to awakening and transcending this physical existence and multitudes of distractions and distortions.  As we remove these obstacles of social constructs and acquired belief systems, we become more in touch with our true selves and can start to understand our true purpose in this life and our time on the earth. 

Why is there so much suffering in our world?  Why, after years of working towards goals that society imposed onto us, are we still unhappy and disconnected?  What would happen in our lives If we could learn to listen to our true spiritual essence?  We are living in a time of massive distraction and discontent, with spiritual ascension and realization pushed so far down our list of priorities that we spend most of our time running our hamster wheel of work, bills, material needs, material wants, social media, mindless dopamine-driven scrolling of our little polly pocket whirligigs, that we have become completely disconnected from our true purpose on this planet.

And what is this purpose?  I believe you have to ask yourself that.  What is your purpose?  What is important to you and what is it that you are fostering and manifesting in this world?  When you fine-tune your own internal compass and start to really pay attention to what resonates deep within, you can filter out the beliefs and judgments that are not your own.  They did not come from you.  They are not organic or self-actualizing in nature.  Many of our societal constructs are aimed at creating competition between us.  Who has the most?  Who has the power?  How am I better than the person sitting next to me?  We compare and judge ourselves against everyone else and pit ourselves in competition with our fellow light beings on this planet.  These distorted beliefs cause much pain and suffering for ourselves, each other, and the planet.

This brings us to Non-judgment.  This is one of our most important tools to stop the chitta vritti (noisy mind) and bring ourselves and humanity into balance, peace and prosperity.  As we go inward and cultivate self-love, compassion and empathy, we stop judging ourselves so harshly.  Moving towards acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves and forgiving ourselves our own mistakes, we release our tendency to judge others and expectations.  We actively practice forgiveness and empathy with others.  As we empathize with others, we experience what they are experiencing.  

We work towards understanding and compassion with others as much as with ourselves.   We understand that we are all one and when we judge others we are operating within an unreal distortion that will continue to enslave humanity until we are ready to purify ourselves and become completely liberated.  Only acceptance, non-judgment, peace and love are real and only that which is real will ultimately serve you, others and the universe. 

The guru is the remover of darkness.  Judgement perpetuates darkness and feeds into fear, anger and violence.  Love will set us free.  Self-love will liberate your mind and body.  Love for others will liberate your soul.  This will spread like a love fire through humanity and we will liberate this planet.



Om tat sat. 

Om shanti shanti shanti.



Light in Everyone

July 27, 2024

I see the light in everyone.  It’s everywhere.  It’s in everything.  Everything is changing so rapidly.  Can you feel it?  It feels like it’s sucking in particles and light; thrusting itself to the forefront of awareness and demanding attention.  I hear whispers and allusions to it everywhere.  The awakening.  Love is the only thing that is real and our true purpose on the earth.  The only path to salvation and ultimate bliss in this world and may be the key to entering the next, according to many sage spiritualists and gurus.

I’m not sure how others have gotten to this space.  The journey must be different for everyone.  But the end realization is the same.  I am perfect.  You are perfect.  We are all perfect.  We are all pure, love and light beings and perfect in our creation.  Anything else we carry are distortions.  Unreal, fabrications of our own creation.  Circumstances, pain, suffering, violence, judgment, afflictions we may attribute to an outside source, but our reactions to and embodiment of those distortions are of our own doing.  And we can all undo them!

It’s all in your head.  You are manifesting your world, your reality.  The ultimate gift you can give yourself, which you will then give to others and the world, is love.  When you give this out into the world, you will get it back in multitudes.  The light will shine through you and reflect through everyone you encounter.  We allow the gratitude, empathy and compassion to flow through us and we will heal the world.

Loving yourself means accepting yourself and forgiving yourself.  It means stopping the judgement and dissolving the ego.  You can laugh at yourself.  Your mistakes are no big deal.  You’re beautiful!  When we are able to stop the judgement on ourselves, we stop judging others.  When we learn to forgive ourselves, we readily forgive others.  When we exude this energy, we liberate others to trust and shine their light as well.  It spreads like a fire through humanity.

When someone acts out of anger or fear, it is because of their personal distortions.  Understanding this can trigger compassion and love because that person is suffering.  Because we can see the light, we can see clearly.  It is our practice to simply observe these moments with clarity and composure.  In our common perfection, we see that divinity in even the most distorted beings and we forgive and send light to the darkest places.  It is the great work.

It is a practice.  We are unlearning a lifetime of societal messaging, advertising, competition, gossip, movies, culture, brainwashing.  We are conditioned to compete against each other.  Embodying nonjudgement is a practice.  Observation is the goal.  We observe self, we observe others and we observe the world around us.  We are all marvelously different, yet fundamentally the same.  The diversity is a celebration of infinite possibility and freedom of expression.  The observation that someone is doing it differently, someone looks different, someone expresses themselves differently.  It’s all amazing!

We are all one and humanity and the world pulse with the energy that we send into it.  If everyone dives into self with self-knowing, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and self-love, it will feed into the energy of every being on this planet.  The vibration of the planet is elevating.  Can you feel it?  The only true peace that can exist in the mind, body, spirit complex on this earth is through love.  An existence of acceptance, contentment, gratitude, compassion and love is the only way.  Nothing else will lead to ultimate bliss.

Feel those good vibes rising.  Give in to the light.  Release and let go anything that doesn’t serve you, anything out of your control, anything contributing personal distortions and live free.  See the light in yourself and see the light in everyone.  It is your sacred responsibility to free your own mind.  Be free.

Om tat sat.


July 21, 2024

Embody the Guru

In Sanskrit, gu means “darkness” and ru means “remover”, meaning the guru is the remover of darkness.  By aspiring to remove darkness, we can all journey towards embodying the guru in mind, body and spirit, and thereby revealing the true light and love that is our true selves and the true universe.  We summon the guru within, our internal teacher, our pure, intuitive, luminous soul, to reveal our path to awakening and transcending this physical existence and multitudes of distractions and distortions.  As we remove these obstacles of social constructs and acquired belief systems, we become more in touch with our true selves and can start to understand our true purpose in this life and our time on the earth. 

Why is there so much suffering in our world?  Why, after years of working towards goals that society imposed onto us, are we still unhappy and disconnected?  What would happen in our lives If we could learn to listen to our true spiritual essence?  We are living in a time of massive distraction and discontent, with spiritual ascension and realization pushed so far down our list of priorities that we spend most of our time running our hamster wheel of work, bills, material needs, material wants, social media, mindless dopamine-driven scrolling of our little polly pocket whirligigs, that we have become completely disconnected from our true purpose on this planet.

And what is this purpose?  I believe you have to ask yourself that.  What is your purpose?  What is important to you and what is it that you are fostering and manifesting in this world?  When you fine-tune your own internal compass and start to really pay attention to what resonates deep within, you can filter out the beliefs and judgments that are not your own.  They did not come from you.  They are not organic or self-actualizing in nature.  Many of our societal constructs are aimed at creating competition between us.  Who has the most?  Who has the power?  How am I better than the person sitting next to me?  We compare and judge ourselves against everyone else and pit ourselves in competition with our fellow light beings on this planet.  These distorted beliefs cause much pain and suffering for ourselves, each other, and the planet.

This brings us to Non-judgment.  This is one of our most important tools to stop the chitta vritti (noisy mind) and bring ourselves and humanity into balance, peace and prosperity.  As we go inward and cultivate self-love, compassion and empathy, we stop judging ourselves so harshly.  Moving towards acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves and forgiving ourselves our own mistakes, we release our tendency to judge others and expectations.  We actively practice forgiveness and empathy with others.  As we empathize with others, we experience what they are experiencing.  

We work towards understanding and compassion with others as much as with ourselves.   We understand that we are all one and when we judge others we are operating within an unreal distortion that will continue to enslave humanity until we are ready to purify ourselves and become completely liberated.  Only acceptance, non-judgment, peace and love are real and only that which is real will ultimately serve you, others and the universe. 

The guru is the remover of darkness.  Judgement perpetuates darkness and feeds into fear, anger and violence.  Love will set us free.  Self-love will liberate your mind and body.  Love for others will liberate your soul.  This will spread like a love fire through humanity and we will liberate this planet.



Om tat sat. 

Om shanti shanti shanti.

